
Other products with Oreo

It is possible to introduce not only Oreo, but other products using Oreo brand image. It is also possible to introduce this products to the Russian market.

Oreo Milka


Oreo Cake

Oreo ice-cream


  1. It becomes much more difficult to follow your blog, because I feel a strong desire for delicious things now!
    Still, I like the idea very much! It would be great if you could conduct some research which will help you to understand whether these very products will be popular among consumers and will bring enough profit.

  2. Valeria, thank you for the comment! This is exactly what we've been recently contemplating.
    In fact we are not going to introduce the whole portfolio at once. First we plan to launch 1 or 2 classic Oreo products as a "pilot" project, to research the results and thus get a better understanding of how to promote and communicate with consumers. Then, based on this knowledge, we will introduce a wider range of Oreo's portfolio (e.g. those products that you have just been dreaming about).

  3. How about introducing Oreo with unique and unexpected flavors :) ? e.g. with watermelon flavor for summer or with candy corn for Halloween?

    Oreo with candy corn: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/grubgrade/candy-corn-oreos_b_1874914.html
    Oreo with watermelon: http://www.businessinsider.com/watermelon-oreo-reviews-are-good-2013-6

    1. Olga, thank you for the idea, of course we will do it in future, we need to differentiate in order to save the market share and grow, but at the beginning we are going to introduce only original flavor to taste how market will react.
