An action plan should be developed when a new product is introduced to a market. It can be difficult to introduce the product in a good and organized way without a solid and well-thought action plan that summarizes the different thoughts and ideas. In the different blog posts during the last two months we have already given indications on when we want to advice Mondelez International to do what. The following text summarizes this information and provides a graphic overview for the reader to simplify the information.
The action plan
The action plan has been divided in three different time scales; short, medium and long term. This is done to illustrate what must be done fast and what is more important to remember or continue to do for the next years. We have defined the three different time scales to 6 months for short term, 1 to 5 years for medium term and more than 5 years for long term.
The time scale and the level of detail of an action plan must be adjusted to the project in question. It is not easy to define the time scale perfectly, and it is logic that Mondelez International and the new Oreo Project Group (that they probably will establish) will work with a number of action and project plans for all their different projects. This can, in addition to the marketing and market monitoring projects we have described also include projects on bureaucracy and logistics related to importing the cookie from one of the two countries producing Oreo.
The only thing that is a bit different from our focus earlier is that advertisement continues every now and then for many years. This is something Mondelez International must evaluate the value and level of. Advertisements every now and then are not meant to necessarily be expensive TV commercials. It can be something as easy as the picture posted on the blog (May 25th), booths on City Days, sponsoring school events or building playgrounds with Oreo design. This is in part done with other similar products today and helps the consumer to remember and think about the product.
The same strategy with repeated advertisement campaigns for the future is also important for both Market surveys and for potential adaptations or additions of the cookie. These processes are on going and not finalized after the first time they are conducted. We expect Mondelez International to have a wide experience with this and that their Russian subsidiary also conducts a number of market surveys every year about all the other products they have in the market.
We have also chosen to add a new market survey at the beginning of the action plan. Our market research has certain limitations and it is therefore important for us to focus on the possibility Mondelez International has to conduct a more comprehensive and scientifically correct research to get more information on the market and the consumers.
The other elements of the action plan below have been introduced in other blog posts, and we will not go into detail about them again.